Ever get the vague sense that something in a movie looks familiar? Well, you’ve likely walked right through some of cinema’s more mainstream sets and never knew it. Or maybe you did know. In either case, here’s a list of some of the coolest movies ever to set up camp in Austin.

1. True Grit (2010)

While the original True Grit, starring John Wayne, is a Hollywood legend in its own right, 2010’s revisiting of the classic tale of a grizzled cowboy helping a young girl find justice is roundly considered one of the best remakes of the past 25 years. And if you’re familiar with Austin and its surroundings, you already know why the city was the ideal location for this Texas classic.

2. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Admittedly, Texas could use a…

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You might have heard rumors to the effect that Christmas and the holiday season are around the corer again. Well, in between fighting the mall traffic, frantic plan-making, and ‘Yeah, I’ll just have one more cookie,” you might want to catch one of Austin’s great holiday shows. Here’s some of the lineup you can catch before 2015 sets in.

1. The Nutcracker, Dec. 6-23, Dell Hall

Kick off the holidays with the legendary Nutcracker. Ballet Austin brings what is probably the most famous Russian ballet ever written, to  Dell Hall, at the Long Center for the Performing Arts, starting Dec. 6. Unlike other renditions of The Nutcracker, this one runs for multiple performances, through December 23. So there’s no good reason to pass this one up (not like there…

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