Most Expensive Home Ever Sold
Posted by Richard Soto on
When it comes to high-end homes, there is absolutely none higher than Greenwich, Connecticut's Copper Beech Farm.
How high-end are we talking? Well, let’s just say that while some upscale properties might come with their own island, Copper beech comes with two. When the 50-acre property went up for sale last year, the asking price was an astonishing $190 ‒‒ so high that even Forbes Magazine took notice. By the time it sold in April, after a mere 11 months on the market, Copper Beech went for 61 percent of its asking price, $120 million, and still became the most expensive single-family home ever sold in the United States. The closing price tops the $117 million sale of Silicon Valley’s Woodside, which held the record since 2012. Some may…
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