By most accounts, the first half of 2013 was a keeper.

Although July saw a slight dip in housing sales, analysts see this as just a small bump in the road, with consumer confidence remaining high.

The first part of 2013 was a banner year for both housing sales and consumer confidence. Buyer traffic in July may have dropped, but that was likely due to the increase in interest rates. With a surge in the spring due to impending interest rate hikes, the housing market has quieted down, as those on the fence are hanging back and re-evaluating their options. But that surely doesn’t spell doom for a housing market that has rallied since December.

A new Fannie Mae survey, along with a 14 percent jump in mortgage applications in July, further highlight…

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Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two government-backed mortgage lenders that were part of the major housing market implosion that occurred just a few, short years ago, are now part of a debate about whether these agencies are becoming obsolete.

President Obama recently said that it may be time to “wind down” these two agencies, and Republicans in the House say that mortgages should be funded primarily by private investors. However, the Senate recently proposed a bill that would still keep the government involved in the mortgage industry, thereby allowing individuals easier access to mortgages.

What is agreed is that, if the two government agencies of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were eliminated, it would likely cost the consumer more to obtain a…

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