Worst Things About Living in Dallas, Texas

Maybe you’re contemplating moving to Dallas, Texas but you’re unsure about the cons.

Look no further because this guide will give you the lowdown on the worst things about living in Dallas. Though the bustling metropolis has its share of attractions, there are undoubtedly some drawbacks.

For starters, traffic, particularly around rush hour, can be a complete nightmare. Plus if you are not used to the heat, the sweltering summers can be unbearable.

If you’ve gathered that moving to Dallas is a good idea, call us today and we’ll assist find a home that is suitable for your lifestyle.

Key Takeaways

  1. Traffic is a major issue in Dallas, with long commutes and congestion on highways and roads.
  2. The Dallas weather can be extreme, with hot summers, occasional tornadoes, and severe thunderstorms. These storms can remove or tear shingles, leaving the underlayment, roof deck, or waterproofing material exposed to the elements. We recommend TIG Roofing for all your roofing needs.
  3. The cost of living in Dallas has been rising steadily in recent years, making it more difficult for some residents to afford housing and other expenses.
  4. Dallas has a high crime rate, particularly in certain neighborhoods, which can make some residents feel unsafe.
  5. The city is not particularly walkable, and public transportation options can be limited, making it difficult for some residents to get around without a car.

Flat Landscape

North Texas, where Dallas is situated, is renowned for its flat terrain. The city's elevation ranges from 450 to 700 feet above sea level, making it generally flat.

In contrast to other popular tourist destinations such as the Rocky Mountains or the Grand Canyon, it's impossible to find breathtaking natural landscapes due to the geography.

Dallas isn't recognized for having much vegetation either. In terms of the amount of tree canopy cover, the American Forests Organization ranks Dallas 99th out of 100 cities.

The absence of trees and vegetation cover affects the aesthetic appeal of the city while also causing air pollution as well as the urban heat island effect.

Bipolar Weather

Weather unpredictability is one of Dallas' distinguishing features. Temperatures can change by up to 30° Fahrenheit in a single day, and abrupt weather changes often catch locals off guard.

Such volatile weather is because of Dallas' location in an area where dry air from the west meets humid air from the Gulf of Mexico.

The average temperatures in the Big D range from roughly 55° Fahrenheit in January to roughly 96° Fahrenheit in July. Plus in the winter months, Dallas is prone to thunderstorms, tornadoes as well as sporadic winter snow and ice storms.

Dull Nightlife

Dallas' nightlife is somewhat low-key in comparison to other major cities. The city may have several top-notch bars and restaurants, but places to explore or hang out until the wee hours are limited.

According to a study by WalletHub, Dallas is ranked 60th out of 100 cities in the country for nightlife. This may come as a surprise, given that Dallas is the 9th largest city in the U.S.

Some of the factors contributing to the dull nightlife in Dallas include:

  • Sprawl
  • Strict alcohol laws
  • Lack of walkability
  • Competition from other cities

Dallas ISD: Challenges and Issues

With more than 150,000 students enrolled in 230 schools, Dallas ISD is the second-largest school district in Texas. In recent years, the district has had to deal with several challenges that have had an impact on its performance and reputation.

Low educational success, a high teacher turnover rate, and safety concerns are some of the reasons why the Dallas ISD might not be the ideal match.

For those looking for alternative school options, there are several top-rated school districts north of downtown Dallas worth considering. Highland Park ISD, Frisco ISD, and Plano ISD are some of the excellent school districts in the area.

Heavy Traffic

Dallas experiences heavy traffic, especially during rush hour. This is because of the city's rapid growth, inadequate public transportation system, and a car-centric culture. The INRIX Global Traffic Scorecard 2020 places Dallas 16th on the list of the most congested cities in the country.

Some of the impacts of traffic congestion in Dallas include:

  • Higher transportation costs
  • Reduced economic growth and productivity
  • Environmental degradation and air pollution
  • Increased travel time and fuel consumption
  • Increased frustration and stress for commuters

What's more, a 2019 study by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute revealed that the DFW Metroplex lost $9.9 billion in time and fuel because of traffic congestion.

Aggressive Drivers

Owing to the city's reputation for having rude and inconsiderate motorists, driving in Dallas is stressful. According to research by the Car Insurance Center, Dallas has an aggression score of 82.2 out of 100. This makes it the sixth worst city in the country for aggressive driving.

Using data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the study examined factors such as hard braking, speeding, and acceleration.

The prevalence of aggressive driving in Dallas is influenced by several factors including traffic congestion and road design. Meanwhile, aggressive driving leads to an increased risk of accidents, road rage, as well as legal repercussions.

Pro-gun Culture

Thanks to the state's historical and cultural ties to firearms, Texas is renowned for having lax gun restrictions. The state constitution guarantees the freedom to keep and bear weapons, and Texas law permits individuals to carry guns openly. But having a gun-friendly policy has its drawbacks.

To address the rising gun violence, Dallas has put in place several gun control measures, including the Gun Violence Reduction Unit and the gun buyback program. Despite such stellar efforts, the city still records several gun-related incidents every year.

Air Pollution

Dallasites are at serious health risk because of the city's air quality, which is among the worst in the country. Wildfires, exhaust emissions, and industrial activities are the main polluters. Besides being ranked the 14th most polluted city in the country, the DFW metro area was rated an F for short-term particle pollution.

Crime Rate

Though Dallas is a bustling city with many opportunities, crime is never far away in the minds of its citizens. The most recent FBI crime statistics show that Dallas has 1,021 violent crime events per 100,000 residents.

In comparison, the national average is 366 incidences per 100,000 persons. Nonetheless, many neighborhoods in Dallas are safe, and our agents can help you find a dream home in a safe area.

Notable safe Dallas neighborhoods include:

Property Taxes

Although Texas doesn't have a state income tax, Dallas's property taxes are relatively high. 2.57% is the median property tax rate according to data from the Dallas Central Appraisal District.

In comparison, the national average is 1.07%. According to WalletHub, Dallas had the 14th highest property tax rate in the U.S. as of 2021. The same report recognized Texas as the state with the 6th highest property tax rates.

Property taxes in Dallas are high because of a combination of factors including:

  • State funding for schools
  • High property values
  • City and county budgets

As a result, homeowners contend with a variety of challenges including higher mortgage payments, increased housing costs, and higher living costs.

Final Thoughts

Dallas has plenty of wonderful things to offer, but the drawbacks including pollution, heavy traffic, and crime are worth considering. Of course, a vibrant job market, delectable cuisine, and a diversified cultural scene are some of the many benefits of living in Dallas.

In the end, your interests and priorities will determine whether Dallas is a good fit. If you’ve made up your mind about moving to Dallas, contact us, and we'll help you make the home-buying process simple and stress-free.

Posted by NJeffu Mwaura on
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