VIP Realty - Real Estate Careers

Achieving success in real estate is about determination, hard work, and perseverance, for sure, but it may also be as much about letting go of your doubts and trusting yourself enough to make a difference and achieve a high level of success in the real estate field.

Here are a few ways to begin achieving your real estate dreams by changing your perceptions about what you want and what you can accomplish:

  • Be clear about what you want to avoid.

In order to build your framework for success, you must first identify everything you want avoid at all costs. Take the time to write these things down and actually visualize them. Your list may include: long work days; difficult clients; and avoiding feeling defeated. We often talk a lot about not wanting things but, more often than not, these negative things we want to avoid end up manifesting themselves because we give them our time and attention. By putting the things we want to avoid on paper, we suddenly become very aware of their existence, thereby allowing us to refocus our attention on positive things when they start to plague us.

  • Be clear about what you want.

Now that you are aware of the negative things you don’t want, make a list of the things you do want. These may include: increasing my monthly income; achieving better relationships with my clients; or motivating myself to pursue new clients. However, don’t let this list become merely a wish list! Instead, refer to this list on a frequent basis, thereby allowing you to focus your activities and your goals on the positive things in your life.

  • Begin to visualize your success.

Yes, there is a powerful connection between the mind and body. Although the saying, Believe and you will achieve may sound a bit cliché and corny, there is a lot of truth to it. You must take the time and indulge yourself in visualizing your success. The energy you create by positively visualizing the good things that you imagine will come to you actually works to make it happen!

  • Let go of the self-doubt.

How many times have you told yourself you can’t do something? Now how many times have you told yourself you can? We tend to sabotage our successes by filling our heads with self-limiting beliefs. In other words, you can’t expect to achieve success when you are telling yourself, over and over, that you can’t.

Don’t let your doubt be the thing that stands between you and success! Instead, make a conscious decision to replace your doubts with empowered statements. In other words, instead of saying, “Clients don’t want to hear from me. I am bothering them,” say “I have something valuable to offer these clients, and I know they will understand my worth.”

Your positive thoughts will always result in a positive attitude, which will be immediately felt by those around you. Let your positive energy be the leading force of your success!

Posted by Richard Soto on
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