Let’s face it - people are social creatures. We all crave for interacting with other human beings. In fact, this particular trait has helped mankind evolve throughout history. But how to make friends in a new city?
Even though it may appear as something effortless, especially since we are living in the most dynamic times in terms of accessible socializing, things are not always what they appear to be on the surface.
Above all, if you are struggling with difficulties in finding new buddies to hang around after you have moved to another city, remember that you are not alone.
There are many people out there who have been dealing with the same issue. And then there are those who still are. Instead of letting your good spirit down and before you sink down the rabbit hole of desperation, cheer up and look at the bright side of life.
There are numerous ways to make new friends. The truth is, it just takes time. It also takes patience and a positive state of mind.
Below, we will contaminate you with the excitement of looking for new friends in a new city, and we will list a number of awesome ways to succeed in your quest.
So wipe off that crooked smile asap, and let the good vibes flow to you in the blink of an eye.
Stop Being Harsh on Yourself ASAP
It’s so easy to fall victim to negative thinking and nostalgia. You may find yourself thinking about how awesome your life used to be at location X and how much everything sucks at location Y.
But this attitude will not fix the current situation you are in. On the contrary, you will only start feeling worse.
Whenever you catch yourself fighting with intrusive thoughts, switch out of this painful mode. Was it the best decision to move in here? Will I ever be able to build healthy relationships with others? Is there anyone I can ever count on again since I have left all my best friends behind? There is no place for self-pity.
There is no place for remorse. Remind yourself that all new beginnings require patience and love in order to make things work in your favor.
Instead, visualize yourself surrounded with new and exciting opportunities, ready to meet with new best friends down the road.
It’s amazing how much the right mental image can help so that when you meet your friends-to-be you can be able to make them feel attracted to your positive personality and good spirit.
After all, who wants to hang out with someone, emitting vibes of desperation and negativity?
Try The Good Old Ways of Making Friends
In Person We are so used to online communication nowadays. With the multiple social media channels where you can spend hours scrolling down the happy photos of people, seemingly having fun and enjoying life, it gets even harder to swallow loneliness.
However, despite the fact someone can have thousands of followers in the social media, does this mean this person is enjoying the invaluable treasure called true friendship? Of course, it does not.
So then again, don’t let yourself slip down the path of depression. It’s time to get creative and explore new horizons!
Do you remember how you used to make friends when you were just a little kid? No hidden thoughts on the back of your mind, no fear or prejudices but the mere joy of communicating with another human being.
Well, guess what - the good old ways still function no less good than back in those innocent days of your childhood.
Here are some wonderful ideas to start the flow when it comes to socializing out of the online world when you are trying to make friends in a new city.
#1 - Volunteering: A Double Win-Win
Have you ever thought of doing something good without any financial remuneration for your time and efforts? Maybe now it’s the most suitable moment to actually turn those beautiful intentions into reality.
Yes, becoming a member of a non-profit organization will surely help to keep you away from feeling lonely. You will be able to socialize easily with like-minded individuals.
Or maybe with an opportunity to make friends with people whom you’d rarely pay attention lost in your daily life.
Isn’t it inspiring to look at things from a different perspective? Ultimately, while making a positive impact for the sake of the entire society, you may just as well do a fantastic favor to heal your lonely heart, hungry for new friendships.
Just browse the web for possible ways to participate as a volunteer in different events or organizations nearby. We bet you will be surprised by the wide range of choices on that note, too.
#2 - Meet the Neighbors
Introducing yourself to the neighbors is also one of the easiest and quickest ways to find new friends in a new city. It’s also a painfully innocent act, so even if you tend to be shyer when surrounded by new people, this one won’t hurt.
After all, everybody can understand how it feels like to start living in a neighborhood you know little to nothing about. Plus, it is more than merely a good idea to meet the neighbors no matter if your desire is to make friends or not; it is polite to get acquainted with the people in the hood.
Nevertheless, as they say, a good neighbor can even save your life. So stop finding excuses and go introduce yourself with those wonderful people with whom you will share the district with.
If you’re good at baking stuff, why don’t you bring a batch of freshly-baked treats, too? Nothing cuts the distance between people so good than sharing a bite of tasty homemade food.
#3 - Become a Book Club Member
Nowadays, enjoying a favorite read the good old way seems to often get left behind in the shadow of Kindle and online reading in many other different forms. But the charm of holding a wonderful book in your hands, being able to touch the cover and smell the authentic aroma hidden between the paper lines will never get outdated.
Instead, more people are trying to promote the beauty of enjoying a good book just like it is supposed to be enjoyed - being able to see it, touch it, and feel it both physically and mentally.
And nevertheless, you know fair well that you can get to know a person by the book he/she likes to read. So is there really any better way to establish a deep friendship than utilizing the never-dying magic of books?
Becoming a book club member won’t be hard on your budget, it won’t be pushing you out of your comfort zone, and it may ultimately turn out to be a portal to making new friends before you can even feel it happening.
If you’re the type of person who feels comfy and happy being around books and discussing your reads, you can also improve your communication skills.
Thus, even in the case you aren’t lucky to find a new friend after joining a book club, you will gain invaluable knowledge and become an excellent communicator, which is always relevant and useful in numerous aspects of life.
#4 - Don’t Underestimate the Power of a Furry Friend
As easy as it sounds, taking your dog out for a walk can be a great way to make friends in a new city. In fact, it’s a magnificent way to make new friends anywhere, even if you aren’t dealing with the challenges of being the new kid on the block. So what are you waiting for?
Go out and explore the local park together with your furry pal. Or simply enjoy a regular walk down the lanes of your new neighborhood. Nevertheless, why not going out for a refreshing drink or a delicious meal together with your doggy?
But what about the cat lovers out there? It is rare for cat owners to train their purry pals taking walks on a leash, however, the mere fact you do share a love for cats can pave your way to getting along with other like-minded individuals.
Don’t be afraid to talk to random people you meet at the pet store when you need to buy food or other necessities for your beloved furry fellows. It’s amazing how sharing a similar passion can melt the distance between strangers in no time.
#5 - Time to Get in Shape!
Are you the type of person who keeps the I’ll-start-to-work-out-regularly on top of your list of New Year’s promises? But then the fast pace of life sucks you down the pipe of a busy schedule so this promise slowly starts to vanish as the time passes?
Then take the opportunity to finally stay true to your get-in-shape goals. Whether you become a yoga club member, a gym member, a morning or afternoon runner, or you decide to explore the benefits of martial arts, doing so can help you make tons of friends in the new city in no time.
Plus, you will have no more excuses not to stick to your training routine. Even if you are more of an introverted person, taking care of your body will repay your efforts no matter how long it will take before you open yourself up to another person.
Nevertheless, training is proven to diminish depression and help your mind fight off intrusive thoughts, so there’s nothing to lose by giving this option a try.
Explore the Modern-Day Ways to Make Friends in a New City
Okay, we’ll keep it short and breezy here. We are not going to teach you how to use the social media when trying to make friends in a new city. We are sure you can get pretty creative on that note.
Tweet it, Hashtag it, Snapchat it – you know how it works. But have you considered taking advantage of some awesome apps for making new friends in a new city?
Here’s a quick introduction to the top 2 make-friends-in-a-new-city apps you may want to try out.
#1 – Patook
Patook is free to download and super easy to install. You will need to fill up some common information about you, such as your gender, language, interests, etc.). Next, the app will automatically connect you with people sharing similar interests and located nearby.
Nevertheless, there are also open public discussions where you can interact with people, based on your location. Plus, you can choose who is able to view your profile so privacy is not an issue with this app.
Keep in mind that Patook is focused solely on connecting people who are looking for new friends and not trying to set up a date with someone.
#2 – Meetup
Meetup can be a wonderful option for making friends in the new city without having to put a sharp focus on your desire to find those new friends. That’s because Meetup is more of an event-based easy-socialize system than a personal find-new-friends app.
Thus, there are 24 categories to choose from, depending on your aspirations so once you set up the dates you are free to explore new horizons and meet up with new people – the app will make sure you stay well-informed on all the fun going around.
Furthermore, you will be able to join various groups and discussion concerning a particular event you are interested in attending. And nonetheless, Meetup can even help you find a new hobby you had little idea you would enjoy or try otherwise!
Final Food For Thought
While all of the ideas we share above might sound awesome to one person, we also understand that it’s possible you don’t resonate with any of these examples. And you know what? That’s also totally fine!
People are different, and that’s what makes each of us so beautifully unique. But what’s more, you never know what tomorrow brings. You may feel an immediate sync with a complete stranger sitting next to you in the bus. Or you may start an unplanned conversation while simply waiting in line to pay your bills.
Nevertheless, you may also be surprised to make a friend in a new city just as you are enjoying a meal in a bar and dine, or why not at a fast food booth, too?
In any case, it’s always good to act naturally and not to get too aggressive trying to make the delightful communication grow into a lasting friendship. Remind yourself that nobody can make new friends without taking the time to enjoy the ride.
Moving to a new city may pose many challenges in front of you but this is the only way to grow into a better version of yourself. Whenever you start to feel as if loneliness becomes hard-to-bare, try to think from a different perspective.
There are so many things you can learn while having the precious time to be alone with yourself. You can discover a skill you never knew existed within you. You may reflect back and make peace of mind with some old (and often invisible) wounds that may be torturing your soul.
Loneliness does not always equal sadness. Turn loneliness into solitude and drink the invaluable tincture of this gift bottoms up. There comes a time when your life will be more dynamic than what you may wish for. So don’t be afraid of those moments when you seem to miss your old friends to the point of depression.
Freedom is a state of mind, and so it making friends in a new city. You have everything you need, it just takes time.
Posted by Richard Soto on
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